PG maintenance_work_mem介绍

PG 垃圾回收有关的内存参数是maintenance_work_mem或autovacuum_work_mem,如果没有设置autovacuum_work_mem,则使用maintenance_work_mem的设置。


PG进行vacuum时会将dead tuple的tid存放到maintenance_work_mem中,当maintenance_work_mem中存不下所有dead tuple的tid时,则会进行index中对应dead tuple记录的清理,索引清理完成后,会继续从上次扫描表记录的位置开始继续扫描。

maintenance_work_mem中记录的dead tuple的tid大小是6个字节,有的编译器可能对齐到8个字节,一般情况下是6个字节,结构体是:

typedef struct ItemPointerData
	BlockIdData ip_blkid;
	OffsetNumber ip_posid;



postgres=# select 1024*1024*1024/6;
(1 row)

autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 默认值是0.2,1GB对应的表记录是 8.9亿:

postgres=# select 1024*1024*1024/6/0.2; 
(1 row)


maintenance_work_mem 内存限制分析

下面主要分析PG 17版本之前,vaccum可用maintenance_work_mem内存大小存在的限制:

lazy_space_alloc负责对应lazy vacuum的空间分配:

static void
lazy_space_alloc(LVRelState *vacrel, int nworkers, BlockNumber nblocks)
	LVDeadTuples *dead_tuples;
	long		maxtuples;


	maxtuples = compute_max_dead_tuples(nblocks, vacrel->nindexes > 0);

	dead_tuples = (LVDeadTuples *) palloc(SizeOfDeadTuples(maxtuples));
	dead_tuples->num_tuples = 0;
	dead_tuples->max_tuples = (int) maxtuples;

	vacrel->dead_tuples = dead_tuples;


 * Return the maximum number of dead tuples we can record.
static long
compute_max_dead_tuples(BlockNumber relblocks, bool hasindex)
	long		maxtuples;
	int			vac_work_mem = IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() &&
	autovacuum_work_mem != -1 ?
	autovacuum_work_mem : maintenance_work_mem;

	if (hasindex)
		maxtuples = MAXDEADTUPLES(vac_work_mem * 1024L);
		maxtuples = Min(maxtuples, INT_MAX);
		maxtuples = Min(maxtuples, MAXDEADTUPLES(MaxAllocSize));

		/* curious coding here to ensure the multiplication can't overflow */
		if ((BlockNumber) (maxtuples / LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES) > relblocks)
			maxtuples = relblocks * LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES;

		/* stay sane if small maintenance_work_mem */
		maxtuples = Max(maxtuples, MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
		maxtuples = MaxHeapTuplesPerPage;

	return maxtuples;


/* The dead tuple space consists of LVDeadTuples and dead tuple TIDs */
#define SizeOfDeadTuples(cnt) \
	add_size(offsetof(LVDeadTuples, itemptrs), \
			 mul_size(sizeof(ItemPointerData), cnt))
#define MAXDEADTUPLES(max_size) \
		(((max_size) - offsetof(LVDeadTuples, itemptrs)) / sizeof(ItemPointerData))

#define offsetof(type, field)	((long) &((type *)0)->field)

/* It's possible we could use a different value for this in frontend code */
#define MaxAllocSize	((Size) 0x3fffffff) /* 1 gigabyte - 1 */

 * Guesstimation of number of dead tuples per page.  This is used to
 * provide an upper limit to memory allocated when vacuuming small
 * tables.
#define LAZY_ALLOC_TUPLES		MaxHeapTuplesPerPage

#define MaxHeapTuplesPerPage	\
	((int) ((BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData) / \
			(MAXALIGN(SizeofHeapTupleHeader) + sizeof(ItemIdData))))

typedef struct LVDeadTuples
	int			max_tuples;		/* # slots allocated in array */
	int			num_tuples;		/* current # of entries */
	/* List of TIDs of tuples we intend to delete */
	/* NB: this list is ordered by TID address */
	ItemPointerData itemptrs[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];	/* array of
														 * ItemPointerData */
} LVDeadTuples;

上面compute_max_dead_tuples函数计算最大dead tupe数量分为两种情况,有索引和无索引两种:

根据上面的代码可以判断出vacuum时内存的分配是根据表大小动态分配的,并不是每次vacuum都需要分配maintenance_work_mem大小。而根据 palloc(SizeOfDeadTuples(maxtuples))可以计算出最多分配的内存是不超过1GB的,所以可以得出在执行vacuum操作时,maintenance_work_mem分配超过1GB的空间是没用的,当然也不会造成浪费。


static Tuplesortstate *
tuplesort_begin_common(int workMem, SortCoordinate coordinate,
					   bool randomAccess)
	Tuplesortstate *state;
	MemoryContext maincontext;
	MemoryContext sortcontext;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;


	 * workMem is forced to be at least 64KB, the current minimum valid value
	 * for the work_mem GUC.  This is a defense against parallel sort callers
	 * that divide out memory among many workers in a way that leaves each
	 * with very little memory.
	state->allowedMem = Max(workMem, 64) * (int64) 1024;
	state->sortcontext = sortcontext;
	state->maincontext = maincontext;

	 * Initial size of array must be more than ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD;
	 * see comments in grow_memtuples().
	state->memtupsize = INITIAL_MEMTUPSIZE;
	state->memtuples = NULL;

	 * After all of the other non-parallel-related state, we setup all of the
	 * state needed for each batch.

	 * Initialize parallel-related state based on coordination information
	 * from caller
	if (!coordinate)
		/* Serial sort */
		state->shared = NULL;
		state->worker = -1;
		state->nParticipants = -1;
	else if (coordinate->isWorker)
		/* Parallel worker produces exactly one final run from all input */
		state->shared = coordinate->sharedsort;
		state->worker = worker_get_identifier(state);
		state->nParticipants = -1;
		/* Parallel leader state only used for final merge */
		state->shared = coordinate->sharedsort;
		state->worker = -1;
		state->nParticipants = coordinate->nParticipants;
		Assert(state->nParticipants >= 1);


	return state;


 * Allocate dead_items and dead_items_info (either using palloc, or in dynamic
 * shared memory). Sets both in vacrel for caller.
 * Also handles parallel initialization as part of allocating dead_items in
 * DSM when required.
static void
dead_items_alloc(LVRelState *vacrel, int nworkers)
	VacDeadItemsInfo *dead_items_info;
	int			vac_work_mem = AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() &&
		autovacuum_work_mem != -1 ?
		autovacuum_work_mem : maintenance_work_mem;


	 * Serial VACUUM case. Allocate both dead_items and dead_items_info
	 * locally.

	dead_items_info = (VacDeadItemsInfo *) palloc(sizeof(VacDeadItemsInfo));
	dead_items_info->max_bytes = vac_work_mem * 1024L;
	dead_items_info->num_items = 0;
	vacrel->dead_items_info = dead_items_info;

	vacrel->dead_items = TidStoreCreateLocal(dead_items_info->max_bytes, true);

17版本后存放dead items内存限制大小不超过vac_work_mem * 1024L,TidStoreCreateLocal中又对内存分配做了部分限制,但并没有1GB的限制。


  1. maintenance_work_mem是动态分配的,根据表大小来控制使用的数量,并不是每次使用都分配maintenance_work_mem大小的空间
  2. maintenance_work_mem中存放的是dead tuple的6字节大小的tid记录
  3. maintenance_work_mem的大小被内核限制了vacuum可以处理的最大dead tuple数量,maintenance_work_mem被限制了最多可以使用的内存是1GB,分配更大值并不能提升vacuum的效率
  4. 此处是maintenance_work_mem针对vacuum操作存在限制,其他有关maintenance_work_mem的操作并未做限制
  5. PG 17版本后,则不存在maintenance_work_mem 1GB的限制
  6. MaxAllocSize 之所以限制为1GB,是为了32位机器上不会溢出
  7. 可以通过pg_stat_progress_vacuum视图中的index_vacuum_count字段判断索引扫描的次数,如果该值大于1,而且maintenance_work_mem不够1GB,可以调整到1GB,另外也可以针对热点表调小autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor


PG 14.4/vacuumlazy.c/lazy_space_alloc

PG 14.4/vacuumlazy.c/compute_max_dead_tuples

PG 17.0/vacuumlazy.c/dead_items_alloc

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